Cemetery consulting is a recognized industry for its consulting and design expertise in the specialized business of cemeteries, serving a diverse range of municipal, religious, non-profit, and private cemetery clients. It places a strong emphasis on the value of place, sense of identity, and site functionality, resulting in creative and innovative built outcomes that are mindful of each project's ongoing life cycle costs. If you want to learn more about this industry, you should look into funeral homes in Loveland, OH.
Cemetery consulting meets the needs of cemeteries in a variety of ways, including:
Feasibility studies
Feasibility studies use a variety of data sources and site investigations to provide the client with a detailed report on their site and proposed development so that a detailed project plan can be developed, whether for an extension to an existing cemetery or the construction of a new cemetery. A thorough site investigation and risk assessment are required to conduct a meaningful study on the accuracy of budget estimates.
Land needs analysis
This report includes input from industry, municipal, provincial and religious stakeholders.  Cemetery capacity, demand, and planning should all be considered.
Business plans
Every business requires a strategy. This will serve as a guidebook to help your startup through the launch process while staying focused on your key goals. A business plan also helps potential clients understand your company's mission and vision.
Analysis of the adequacy of perpetual care funds
The perpetual care fund is the most important item on the balance sheet of a cemetery. Cemetery consulting will assist you in ensuring that the fund is on the right track.
Development plans
The master plan must address landscape and future land use considerations, general layout, circulation and spatial design, landform modification, drainage, and built infrastructure such as roading, water supply, power supply, public toilets, signage, fencing, and footpaths, among other things. Concepts and detailed building plans for memorial gardens, entry procedures, unique memorialization options, lodging arrangements, and plans for a sectional and overall cemetery development must also be included.
Selection of a new cemetery site, design, and approvals
There is a need to look into cemetery expansion options to acquire cemetery-suitable land.
The cemetery consulting industry also assists cemeteries by performing discovery surveys using ground-penetrating radar technology to locate unmarked interments and vacant lots. This technology has been used in projects ranging in scope from determining individual interment locations to entire sections of cemeteries to avoid accidental interment encounters and to identify lots suitable for reinvestment and resale. When inventory is limited, using ground penetrating radar may reveal additional sellable inventory, increasing revenue and the value of the cemetery.
The funeral homes in Loveland, OH look forward to collaborating with you and guiding you through the creative process of cemetery consulting. Please contact us for more information. We are prepared to assist you with all of the necessary considerations and decisions. You can contact us right away or visit us in person. Please know that our knowledgeable staff will conduct the necessary research to ensure that you receive the best service possible.
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