
Funeral Home Cremations Deer Park OH

Funeral Home and Cremation Services in Deer Park, OH

We have been providing funeral home services and cremations for nearly 100 years. North Eastern Cincinnati families have trusted us because we're hometown folks, we know the area. Our caring and experienced professionals appreciate that each family is unique and has personal requests and traditions. We pride ourselves on serving the Deer Park, OH community and surrounding areas with compassion, dignity, and respect. Our goal is to lessen the burden on your family so that you can focus on celebrating your loved one's life and beginning your grief journey.

Call us today at (513) 791-7203.


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Asking Questions About Funeral and Cremation in Deer Park, OH


Some people are nervous to ask questions about funeral and cremation planning in Deer Park, OH. If you haven’t designed funeral services before, then this industry can feel overwhelming at times. But creating a funeral plan doesn’t have to be stressful and complicated. Instead, you need to choose a provider who will answer your questions and offer personalized recommendations.


At Strawser Funeral Home & Cremation Service, we are committed to offering your family a quality experience through all stages of funeral planning. We believe that the highest form of healing can be found in quality funeral services. Our approach to funeral planning is to customize every event to match the traditions and cultural influences of each family. When you contact our team for a consultation, you will find that we listen to your requests and provide guidance along the way. This process gives you a safe environment where you can ask questions about available cremation and funeral services.


As you learn more, you will see that our team has an unbeatable reputation in the local industry. We’ve been serving the community for years and continue to hold to the commitment of providing each family with the highest levels of respect.


Things to Consider: Funeral and Cremation Services in Deer Park, OH


What are the right services to add to your funeral package? Since every family is unique, the best approach is to schedule a consultation with a trusted provider in the area. Our funeral planning experts are here to answer your questions and provide guidance about the details of your event. Here are some of the services that you might consider:


  • Traditional Funerals: Traditionally, funerals often include services such as a graveside service, formal event in a chapel or funeral home, and a viewing when families can see the prepared remains. These traditional funeral services can incorporate family culture, including readings, music, prepared speeches, stories, and more.
  • Cremation: Is cremation your preferred choice for laying a person to rest? Cremation is popular because it is simple, affordable, and offers flexibility for the family. For example, you might choose cremation if you don’t want your loved one to stay in a local cemetery. Or, cremation is a great solution if you need flexibility for a memorial service in the future. In addition to common cremation services, our team can also assist with pet cremations.
  • Green Burial: How much is the environment affected when a loved one is placed in the ground? Even though burial is a common practice, it can have an impact on the earth because of the chemicals used for embalming and the unnatural materials in the coffin. These problems can be minimized by choosing our green burial services.
  • Cemetery Consulting: It can be helpful to have a team guiding your choices as you evaluate available cemeteries in the area. We provide recommendations based on your preferences and traditions. Additionally, our full-service approach means that we coordinate with the cemetery regarding the time and day of the burial.
  • Monuments & Grave Markers: The marker on the grave will forever honor the memory of your loved one. Select the right material and design based on your preferences. These markers can be etched with dates, pictures, and other details to personalize the place where your family member is laid to rest.
  • After Life Planning: Every person needs afterlife care at some point, which is why it is smart to be proactive with planning. We offer preplanning support if you want to reduce the stress on your loved ones when you are gone. This planning is also available if you can see that a funeral will be required for a family member soon.
  • Medicaid: Tap into the available financial resources offered through Medicaid. This process requires specific paperwork and processes to ensure that you qualify for payment. We provide guidance to assist if your family qualifies for Medicaid support.
  • Final Expense Planners: As you are choosing funeral details, pay attention to the cost of the services. Our final expense planners give you transparency in the pricing and a clear solution to manage your budget.


Quality Support for Your Family


At Strawser Funeral Home & Cremation Service, we understand that funeral planning can be a stressful experience. Our goal is to offer a peaceful environment where you can explore your options and learn about the funeral and cremation industry in Deer Park, OH. We oversee everything from the funeral event staffing to the administrative details that need to be coordinated behind the scenes.


As you are exploring your options, we invite you to schedule a consultation to discuss funeral and cremation planning in Deer Park, OH. These customized services are designed to meet your family traditions and preferences. Strawser Funeral Home & Cremation Service has a beautiful facility that can be used, located at 9503 Kenwood Rd, Blue Ash, OH 45242. Call to talk to a funeral planning expert: (513) 791-7203.

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Strawser Funeral Home & Cremation Service
Phone: (513) 791-7203
9503 Kenwood Rd., Blue Ash, OH 45242

Staley-Strawser Funeral Home
Phone: (513) 791-9357
7140 Plainfield Rd., Deer Park, OH 45236

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